Tag: bdd
Simpler. Clearer. Faster.
The UK Government has invested £17 million over the past 2 years migrating from several rather old websites to the new, shiny gov.uk website. James Stewart and Anna Shipman gave an uplifting talk at the Edinburgh BCS branch meeting on May 1st, describing how they had scaled from one small team of 12 to ten…
On alcoholism, chainsaws and deliberate practice
I’ve been running a lot of training courses recently and I’ve noticed that once people have chosen where they’re going to sit, they return to that position every day. We are creatures of habit, and some habits seem to form very quickly. If I rearrange the room before the second day, or ask people to…
Living documentation can be readable and fast
In an earlier blog I promised to describe how we could exercise thin slices of our application stack, while still expressing our scenarios in a business-readable, end-to-end style. I talked about this at Cuke Up! last week and published an article covering it in the ACCU journal Overload. For completeness, I’m now adding this as…
Edinburgh BDD Kickstart
At the beginning of March Matt Wynne and I ran another very enjoyable 3-day BDD Kickstart course in Edinburgh. The course was hosted in the Edinburgh Training and Conference Centre in the heart of the old town which, despite its historical location, is a thoroughly modern venue. There’s a lot to cover in the three…
Every journey is just a collection of steps
People seem to love workflow style scenarios. What is it about a workflow that is so irresistible? I was talking about this with Kevlin Henney the other day, and he pointed out that it might be because business processes are the staple diet of mod…
Building trust using BDD
I’ve been working with a client whose development team and test team are separate. There’s history involved, but to cut a long story short, the testers don’t trust the developers and the developers think the testers waste a lot of time re-testing …
The Testing Iceberg
Not that long ago I had a conversation with @mattwynne, which led to the hastily sketched piece of paper, below. The diagram on the left (since redrawn and blogged about by @tooky) shows the relationship between End-to-end tests and Business-reada…
Cyber Dojo with Cucumber JVM
Last week I spent a fun night working on Cyber-Dojo with Jon Jagger. If you haven’t heard of Jon’s Cyber-Dojo yet, then I encourage you to head on over to www.cyber-dojo.com and have a play. In a nutshell, Cyber-Dojo provides a platform within whi…